” Hope springs eternal in the human breast;

  Man never is, but always to be blessed:

  The soul, uneasy and confined from home,

  Rests and expatiates in a life to come. “

Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man

Long time ago I was given the book  “Different Seasons” by Stephen King. I was in a place of all hope gone. The novella “Rita Hayworth or Shawshank Redemption” saved my hope. Reading the book felt as if I have found my straw to which to hold on .

The fascination began with the subtitle : “Hope Springs Eternal”. This was the first time I have met with this sentence. I became curious and eventually found out the source.

Ever since, when I feel I am losing all my hope, I open King’s “Hope Springs Eternal”. And I find Hope.

I find Hope in “Man never is, but always to be blessed“, I find Hope in “The soul, uneasy and confined from home, / Rests and expatiates in a life to come. “

I do not believe in people. Too often they disappoint me. I do hope for people. I hope they will change and become better.

I do not believe in hate. To my experience hate only brings sorrow. I do hope hate will cease one day.

I do not believe in myself. I do hope I will achieve the inner piece that I desire.

I do not believe. I Hope .


4 thoughts on “Hope

  1. I really liked this post and I was intrigued that it was written by a nuclear scientist. This is curious as I only created an about page recently when a reader requested it, I did not see how it mattered either, but I guess some readers like to have context of the writer’s perspective.
    For this post, I hope as well, but I also believe. I believe in myself and those around me. While I realize that there is evil in every person, I also believe there is inner good and that is what I look for in others. It’s an internal struggle we all face, but I tend to be optimistic that the good will come out when given the chance. Sometimes you just have to draw it out. Keep writing!

    1. Thank you for your input. I am glad that you liked the post. And I agree to disagree about the believe. I guess it is a matter of character and…a profession to some extent 🙂 I can hope that the good will come out some day, but for me is difficult to believe in it. Perhaps a thought for a post? 🙂

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